When I first started exploring, I was 19 years young, well.. I'd done the occasional explore here and there growing up but when I REALLY started, I was 19 and my curiosity far surpassed the limits of the small town I was living in at that time. Saying there wasn't much around would be an understatement - however, one thing that was around was the very thing that started it all.. this school.
To be honest, I've done my share of investigating but I've come up with very little, in fact - it took me a solid month just to confirm the name of the school. You would think with the name I would be able to find out more information - unfortunately this isn't the case with this particular one.
Between a history of racial segregation that ran its course longer here in the South than it did almost anywhere else.. and a trail of documents that eventually just runs me in a circle.. I came to the peaceful realization that this school is supposed to remain a mystery and I'm okay with that.
In any case, I owe this school so much gratitude and a display of it's beautiful decay.. as it stands today.. I won't say exactly how many years later but know it's been well over a decade since I first.. and last walked it's halls.. until I recently went for a revisit.
Oddly, everything just as I remembered.. just a little rougher around the edges..
To say I love this school would not be doing it justice.. it has visited me in my dreams in the years I wasn't exploring.. it has changed the way I tend to myself, my passion and my curiosity.. it has shaped me in to a woman I once only dreamt of being.. it has changed my entire life and I thank this place so much for existing and for being my constant reminder to get out and explore the forgotten places of this world.. the places that fuel my passion for everything that has become a part of me and allowed me to become a part of it..
To all my fellow explorers.. I invite you to take a moment to reflect on your journey.. on all that you've seen, all you've felt, all you've conquered and I want you to think back to the one place that started the fire inside of you that I know we all feel while we're venturing out in to the unknown.. and take a pause.. and pay gratitude to the first place that made you fall in love with the beauty of nothing shifting in to everything..
Courtney Autumn
Echoes of Elsewhere | an urban exploration podcast