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Meet BackRoads2Abandoned | Episode 6 | Echoes of Elsewhere

Courtney Autumn

backorads2abandoned interview on echoes of elsewhere an urban exploration podcast

In this episode of Echoes of Elsewhere, we get to know the mysterious and fun-loving BackRoads2Abandoned. With an impressive and rapidly growing number of followers on her facebook page, I can safely say I'm not the only one who's completely smitten with her ability to capture the most raw details of urbex. Her photography speaks for itself when it comes to anything abandoned. With a poetic eye for almost everything, I got to know her myself as we spent an entire day together exploring the literal backroads of South Carolina.

She was a true gem, not just a an explorer but as a human being. Beautiful both inside and out with a heart for preserving, documenting and of course, exploring forgotten places - get to know BackRoads2Abandoned in this exclusive interview.


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